出版社:Instituto de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto
摘要:The importance of expanding a company’s variety of products is easily observed in competitive markets, where a greater variety means a greater chance of meeting specific consumer needs. On the other hand, a larger product list implies the need for better variety management. In this article, we study how two companies deal with variety management during product development, in order to identify the factors and variables linked to their success. Three axes are observed to be central to effective variety management: variety, flexibility and integration. Furthermore, technical variables were also identified that enable a company to manipulate such axes. For each variable, levels of maturity are established that enabled the identification of how those companies perform their variety management. As result, a tool is delivered that can evaluate an organization’s maturity level regarding variety management. The proposed tool is also capable of performing competitive benchmarks between different organizations.
关键词:variety management; product development process; maturity level.