标题:A disciplina de “Arte e estética nas Relações Internacionais”: Movimentos teórico-práticos extracotidianos (The discipline of “Art and aesthetics in International Relations”: Extraquotidian theoretical-practical movements)
摘要:This article aims to describe the construction path of the discipline “Art and Aesthetics in International Relations”, its objectives and how the interaction occurred in the classroom. To this end, we begin with a theoretical discussion on the role of art and aesthetics in the teaching of International Relations and then we present the structuring and development of the minicourse “Art and International Relations”, which served as a stimulus for the emergence of the discipline. Finally, we will approach how the discipline took place, as well as the students’ perception of it, for this the “open” interview model was applied. This text is based on the action research methodology - particularly on participant observation -, in which the investigation is instrumentalized to understand, develop and improve the practice; in this case, the goal is to improve alternative pedagogical practices in the teaching of International Relations, strengthening the logic of peacebuilding through the arts.