出版社:Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
摘要:This study aimed to identify the achievement rate and differences between failed (pre) and successful (post) attempts during straddle vault coaching using a multistage box (30 cm, 50 cm and 60 cm) with a mat sensor. Third- and fourth-grade elementary school children who could not successfully perform the straddle vault received 45 minutes of straddle vault instruction. Each kinematic variable was calculated for pre- and post- movements that were recorded using a high-speed video camera. The results of these analyses were as follows: 1) Approximately 85% of the subjects were able to perform the straddle vault when they used a shorter vaulting box and a mat sensor. 2) The velocity of the body’s center of gravity at the touchdown, take-off, and hand jump points was increased in the post-movement period. 3) Hand jump position and distance in the air increased in the post-movement period. 4) The touchdown time decreased and time in the air increased in the post-movement period. Therefore, the shorter vaulting box and a mat sensor used in this study can be considered useful for straddle vault coaching.
关键词:elementary school children;児童;physical education;体育;gymnastics;器械運動