摘要:The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Collective Efficacy Questionnaire in Sports (CEQS). The sample comprises 312 athletes (167 males and 145 females), with a mean age of 24.09 (SD= 6.67), with diverse performance levels (professional, semiprofessional and university level), all practitioners of team sports. The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results confirm the 5-factor internal structure of the CESQ (Effort, Ability, Unity, Perseverance and Preparation), made up of four items each. We also found acceptable values of the alpha coefficient, which confirms that the CESQ is a reliable instrument. Lastly, we found preliminary support for the validity of the construct of the CESQ, which is sufficient evidence to justify its use to measure the collective efficacy in Spanish athletes.