摘要:Background: The prevalence and expression of Cluster A personality disorders in adolescence is poorly analyzed and understood. The main goal was to analyze the rate of Cluster A traits and maladaptive personality patterns in adolescents. In addition, the underlying dimensional structure and the possible influence of sex and age in its phenotypic expression were examined. Method: The final sample was comprised of a total of 1,443 participants (M= 15.9 years, SD= 1.2). The instrument used was the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4 ). Results: Cluster A maladaptive personality traits are common among adolescents. According to the PDQ-4 , 13.1% (n= 189) of the sample reported a Cluster A maladaptive personality pattern. Analysis of the internal structure yielded two interrelated factors, namely Paranoid and Schizotypal-Schizoid. Males, compared with females, obtained higher scores on the schizotypal subscale when the score was dimensional and on the schizotypal and schizoid subscales when items were dichotomized. Conclusions: These data yield new clues that improve the understanding of Cluster A traits in this sector of the population, and advance in early detection of adolescents at risk of personality disorders.