摘要:Background: Children’s pro-ecological behaviors are usually registered using scales based on the idea of a simple connection between attitudes and behaviors. However, this relationship seems to be more complicated. The Children’s Ecological Behavior (CEB) Scale has been proposed as an alternative. Based on the Rasch model, it considers the different efforts needed to conduct a series of behaviors. This paper presents an improved adaptation of the CEB to Spanish population. Method: We back-translated the CEB into Spanish, increased the number of behaviors and collected data from 6- to 12-year-olds, using a game format procedure. Results: The scale can detect differences in the effort needed to perform various behaviors. Children’s pro-ecological attitudes and behaviors are positively related. No relationship was found between parents’ and children’s pro-ecological attitudes and behaviors. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the CEB scale emerges as a reliable tool to measure children’s pro-ecological behaviors.