摘要:Background: Simulcheck evaluates Colour Simulation Tools (CSTs, they transform colours to mimic those seen by colour vision deficients). Two CSTs (Variantor and Coblis) were used to know if the standard Simulcheck version (direct measurement based, DMB) can be substituted by another (RGB values based) not requiring sophisticated measurement instruments. Method: Ten normal trichromats performed the two psychophysical tasks included in the Simulcheck method. The Pseudoachromatic Stimuli Identification task provided the h uv (hue angle) values of the pseudoachromatic stimuli: colours seen as red or green by normal trichromats but as grey by colour deficient people. The Minimum Achromatic Contrast task was used to compute the L R (relative luminance) values of the pseudoachromatic stimuli. Results and conclusions: Simulcheck DMB version showed that Variantor was accurate to simulate protanopia but neither Variantor nor Coblis were accurate to simulate deuteranopia. Simulcheck RGB version provided accurate h uv values, so this variable can be adequately estimated when lacking a colorimeter —an expensive and unusual apparatus—. Contrary, the inaccuracy of the L R estimations provided by Simulcheck RGB version makes it advisable to compute this variable from the measurements performed with a photometer, a cheap and easy to find apparatus.