摘要:In this theoretical-research work, the possibilities of using GPS methodology in research in the field of social sciences are analyzed. The paper is characterized by two fundamental aims. The first is to present the different ways of applying GPS technology in research practice and on that basis to present the range of knowledge that can be achieved by using this technology and method. The second aim is oriented towards the analysis of the practical validity of the theory of accelerating modernity. This set of theories, although relatively abstract, can be confirmed by certain empirical ventures. One of such ventures is this research which uses GPS technology to investigate the dynamics of the movement of individuals in the urban space of the City of Zagreb. With the use of this technology, it is possible to analyze the dynamics of movement with respect to the spatial-temporal context. The method of this study was to track study participants via their smartphones with a built-in GPS system. 10 survey participants agreed to track their GPS over a 30-day period. The results of the research show different dynamics of movement. Namely, participants showed a high level of spatial dynamics in a condensed time frame during the work week (which supports the theory of accelerating modernity), while they spent more time in their homes over the weekend. The research sets 4 dimensions, among others, that can be covered by GPS technology within the social sciences and sets methodological guidelines about combining GPS technology with other methods.