期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
摘要:Virus–microbe interactions have been studied in great molecular details for many years in cultured model systems, yielding a plethora of knowledge on how viruses use and manipulate host machinery. Since the advent of molecular techniques and high-throughput sequencing, methods such as cooccurrence, nucleotide composition, and other statistical frameworks have been widely used to infer virus–microbe interactions, overcoming the limitations of culturing methods. However, their accuracy and relevance is still debatable as cooccurrence does not necessarily mean interaction. Here we introduce an ecological perspective of marine viral communities and potential interaction with their hosts, using analyses that make no prior assumptions on specific virus–host pairs. By size fractionating water samples into free viruses and microbes (i.e., also viruses inside or attached to their hosts) and looking at how viral group abundance changes over time along both fractions, we show that the viral community is undergoing a change in rank abundance across seasons, suggesting a seasonal succession of viruses in the Red Sea. We use abundance patterns in the different size fractions to classify viral clusters, indicating potential diverse interactions with their hosts and potential differences in life history traits between major viral groups. Finally, we show hourly resolved variations of intracellular abundance of similar viral groups, which might indicate differences in their infection cycles or metabolic capacities.