期刊名称:Psicología Educativa: Revista de los Psicólogos de la Educación
出版社:Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
摘要:This multiple case study explores the effects of a cognitive training program in children with mild to borderline intellectual disability. Experimental training effects were evaluated comparing pre-/post-test changes of (a) a baseline phase versus a training phase in the same participant, (b) an experimental training versus either a no intervention phase or a control training in two pairs of children matched for cognitive profile. Key elements of the training program d (1) exercises and card games targeting inhibition, switching, and verbal working memory, (2) guided practice emphasizing concrete strategies to engage in exercises, and (3) a variable amount of adult support. The results that both verbal working memory d with the listening span test and problem-solving tested with the Raven’s Matrices were significantly enhanced after the experimental training.
关键词:Intellectual disability Verbal working memory training