摘要:Uncovering howthe mitigation of heatcameto dominate discussions on thethermal performance of buildings inAustralia providesan entry into howclimateand comfort became politicized, scientized and instrumentalized in the middle ofthetwentieth century. The paperexamines research onClimateand House Design inAustraliaat theend ofWorld War Two and looksat howresearch connected with the problemof heat in homes served Australia’s interests both at homeand abroad. Concentrating on theefforts ofDHK Lee, the CommonwealthHousingCommission and CommonwealthExperimentalBuilding Station, thearticleexamines tensions between ideas of nation, region,and climateand howattempts to rationalize materialchoiceaccording to physiologicaland thermalcriteriaserved to createarange of hybrid forms ofconstruction and house designs. This hybridity can also beseen in howAustralian building research at this time helped straddle discourses on tropicaland bioclimatic architecture.