摘要:Through thestudy ofIsraelitouristmobility, thisarticle questions theinterrelations betweenwandering and hypermobility. In Israel, travelling after thecompletion ofcompulsorymilitary serviceisa valued practicein contemporary society,and severalthousand recently discharged young people pursuethis farawaywandering every year. Thisarticleexamines the phenomenon of post-military travelinChile by proposing an approach based on spatialand virtualmobility and on the motility capital ofthe practitioners. Theanalysis ofthese mobilities revealsaformoflong, flexibleand virtually connected wandering that is part oftheera of hypermobility. Theinsertion ofthe practicein a globaland digitised context leads us to position it in a newcategory that wecall hyper-wandering.
关键词:Chile;Hypermobility;Wandering;Motility;Post-Army IsraeliBackpackers Haut de page