摘要:Ghrelin is a major appetite-stimulating neuropeptide found in circulation. While its role in increasing food intake is well known, its role in affecting taste perception, if any, remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor’s (GHS-R; a ghrelin receptor) activity in the peripheral taste system using feeding studies and conditioned taste aversion assays by comparing wild-type and GHS-R-knockout models. Using transgenic mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP), we demonstrated GHS-R expression in the taste system in relation phospholipase C ß2 isotype (PLCβ2; type II taste cell marker)- and glutamate decarboxylase type 67 (GAD67; type III taste cell marker)-expressing cells using immunohistochemistry. We observed high levels of co-localization between PLCβ2 and GHS-R within the taste system, while GHS-R rarely co-localized in GAD67-expressing cells. Additionally, following 6 weeks of 60% high-fat diet, female Ghsr−/− mice exhibited reduced responsiveness to linoleic acid (LA) compared to their wild-type (WT) counterparts, while no such differences were observed in male Ghsr−/− and WT mice. Overall, our results are consistent with the interpretation that ghrelin in the taste system is involved in the complex sensing and recognition of fat compounds. Ghrelin-GHS-R signaling may play a critical role in the recognition of fatty acids in female mice, and this differential regulation may contribute to their distinct ingestive behaviors.