摘要:This research aimed to find the meaning of the signs in Balia spells of Kaili ethnic in Palu. It used metapragmasemiotik theory, which is a combination of metalinguistic, pragmatic, and semiotic theories. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. The source of the spell treatment is the text. The data collection is through recording, transcription, and transliteration. The data analysis technique used objective hermeneutics which is divided into two procedures namely (1) sequential analysis and (2) detailed analysis. The findings of this study are the sign meanings in Balia spells of Kaili ethnic in Palu, namely (1) narrowed meaning, (2) broad meaning, (3) cognitive meaning, (4) emotive meaning, (5) referential meaning, (6) grammatical meaning, (7) idional meaning, and (8) idiomatic meaning. Theoretically, this study strengthens pragmatics and semiotics because the findings of this study indicate that the meaning of the sign in the Balia ritual spells is generated from verbal signs, namely speech. Practically, this finding is useful for universities related to the teaching of oral literature that develops interdisciplinary science by integrating three theories for one study namely metalinguistic, pragmatic, and semiotics.