摘要:The objective of this study was to create the new idea in site selection of sport places for more application of these researches’ results in real environment. After creation the spatial data base that was about indoor salons (case study), eleven urban land uses and elements, population density status of the two south regions of Isfahan (case district) and index map of this strict with DWG format, was prepared these data in distinct layers to exploit by exporting them to Arc GIS 9.3 Environment. In after tempo was earned the final map by collective overlap the overlay and Thiessen layers. Recommended regions with maximum value in this study (940 Hectare equal 37% of total district) similar to many studies with this objective were very spacious; therefore for reduce them used of minimizing the difference between minimum and maximum standard deviation of the Thiessen polygons. This method minimized the spacious lands that researchers should observe completely to select place exactly for building the new sport place after earning the final map and also create the possibility of planning for building more than one sport place consecutively.