标题:The investigation of the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational climate and the moderating role of demographic variables
摘要:The purpose of this study was determining the relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Organization Climate (OC) in a sample of sport experts working in sport organization of Tehran’s Municipality. The method of the research was corelational. Statistical sample was equal with statistical population (90 N), but only 83% of them were analyzed. The results indicate that there was a significant relationship between OCB, and OC and its dimensions. The analysis of the data through regression show that OC was a significant predictor of OCB, accounting for 28% of the variance and among OC variables, both “Goal obviousness” and “Consent of reward” were significant predictor of OCB, accounting for 31% of the variance. Also, no significant relationship between OCB & mediator variables (age, gender & tenure) is observed (p> .05). It can be concluded that in this organization, generating an appropriate climate can be influential in OCB. Spatially, having acceptable goals and fairly salary system can be useful for flourishing OCBs.
关键词:Organizational Climate;citizenship behavior;Sport Organization;Tehran Municipal