标题:Una propuesta de herramientas informáticas para el tratamiento estadístico del índice de disponibilidad léxica en estudios correlacionales de educación y movilidad social
摘要:The work presents a proposal for the processing of lexical availability indexes (educational field) through the employment of more efficient statistical tools than the ones used in the last decade. The associated approach derives from an interdisciplinary exercise route between linguists and statisticians that capitalizes on a linguistic corpus, treating them as correlational studies within the framework of data mining. Initial results of the quantitative phase of the study The high school as a regulator of the correlative discursive factors between lexical availability and social mobility are shown, processed with corpus linguistics methodology and free statistical software, correlating, with high efficiency, indices of lexical availability, and perspective of social mobility in high school students in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, and as a viable corpus to be correlated with partial or census databases for decision-making in the classroom and public policy due to the possibility of a correlation between databases.
关键词:educación; estudios correlacionales; herramientas tecnológicas; lingüística de corpus; minería de datos.