摘要:Researches on sports public policy in Brazil use to focus on the executive branch. Keeping the legislature out of the scope, the field presents a gap, given the influence that this branch can have. Considering the committees as locus of decision making by the legislature, the aim was to analyze whether the performance of the committee responsible for sport, when specialized, promoted the theme with greater expertise. Therefore, we verified how the pattern of the actors and their activities changed, between 2003 and 2018, considering the split of CTD (Tourism and Sports), in 2014, which gave rise to CESPO (Sports), justified by the holding of mega-events in Brazil. Through descriptive analysis and logistic regression, we demonstrated that the creation of CESPO, by individualizing the sports thematic, increased interest of the actors in the committee, the specialization of activities, the volume of analyzed bills and the diversity of themes, generating changes that remain even after the mega-events.