摘要:Ketogenic diets (KDs) often contain high levels of saturated fat, which may increase liver fat, but the lower carbohydrate intake may have the opposite effect. Using a controlled feeding design, we compared liver fat responses to a hypocaloric KD with a placebo (PL) versus an energy-matched low-fat diet (LFD) in overweight adults. We also examined the added effect of a ketone supplement (KS). Overweight adults were randomized to a 6-week KD (KD PL) or a KD with KS (KD KS); an LFD group was recruited separately. All diets were estimated to provide 75% of energy expenditure. Weight loss was similar between groups (p > 0.05). Liver fat assessed by magnetic resonance imaging decreased after 6 week (p = 0.004) with no group differences (p > 0.05). A subset with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (liver fat > 5%, n = 12) showed a greater reduction in liver fat, but no group differences. In KD participants with NAFLD, 92% of the variability in change in liver fat was explained by baseline liver fat (p < 0.001). A short-term hypocaloric KD high in saturated fat does not adversely impact liver health and is not impacted by exogenous ketones. Hypocaloric low-fat and KDs can both be used in the short-term to significantly reduce liver fat in individuals with NAFLD.