摘要:A new ground truth dataset generated with high-accuracy Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positional data of the invasive reed Phragmites australis subsp. australis within Îles-de-Boucherville National Park (Quebec, Canada) is described. The park is one of five study sites for the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO) and has stands of invasive P. australis spread throughout the park. Previously, within the context of CABO, no ground truth data had been collected within the park consolidating the locations of P. australis. This dataset was collected to serve as training and validation data for CABO airborne hyperspectral imagery acquired in 2019 to assist with the detection and mapping of P. australis. The locations of the ground truth points were found to be accurate within one pixel of the hyperspectral imagery. Overall, 320 ground truth points were collected, representing 158 locations where P. australis was present and 162 locations where it was absent. Auxiliary data includes field photographs and digitized field notes that provide context for each point.
关键词:GNSS; ground control points; invasive species GNSS ; ground control points ; invasive species