摘要:Sparganothis pilleriana (Den. et Schiff.) is a microlepidopteran known in the vineyards of Western and Southern Romania, with small populations and of low economic importance. As a result of the rearing of grape leaf-roller larvae and pupae, 29 species belonging to the Hymenoptera and Diptera have been obtained as primary and secondary parasitoids. These species were collected from two vineyards located in the southern part of Romania, characterized by different climatic and chemical treatment conditions. Catolaccus ater (Ratzb.), Pediobius spp., Elasmus spp. and Eupelmus vesicularis (Retz.) were recorded as secondary parasitoids, while Brachymeria tibialis (Walk.), Dibrachys cavus (Walk.) and Elasmus viridiceps (Thoms.), as primary and secondary parasitoids. 35 host-parasitoid relationships have been recorded, many of them new to science. The contribution of these parasitoids to the reducing of grape leafroller populations was 20.77%. The important contribution belongs to the Ichneumonidae family, for which the parasitization ratio was 8.29%. B. tibialis (Walk.), Nemorilla maculosa (Meig.), Diadegma germanicum (Horst.) and Goniozus claripennis (Först.) are the most important components of this parasitoid complex. Four parasitoids species were obtained by rearing in laboratory as secondary parasitoids of G. claripennis (Först.): C. ater (Ratzb.), E. viridiceps (Thoms.), Elasmus spp., and E. vesicularis (Retz.).