出版社:Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This research aims to determine increasing student learning outcomes in grade IV SD 5 Karangbener
Kudus on theme 5 with Think Pair Share learning models assisted mosaic puzzle media. This class
action research was carried out in grades IV SD 5 Karangbener with research subjects 24 students,
which lasted for two cycles with each cycle consisting of two meetings. Each cycle consists of four
stages, namely, planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The results showed an increase in
learning activity and achievement. The value of student learning outcomes in the knowledge domain
in pre-cycle scores 66 on social studies and 67 on Indonesian content with a percentage of 30% and
25%, cycle I score 73 with a percentage of 62% and increases in cycles II with a score of 81 with a
percentage of 83%. For the pre-cycle speaking skill, students got a score of 338 with a percentage of
62%. In cycle I, students achieving a score of 401 with a percentage of 67%. Lastly, an increase in
cycle II with a score of 466 with a percentage of 78%.
关键词:The Result of Learning;Themes My Hero;Model of Think Pair Share