期刊名称:Potravinarstvo : Scientific Journal for Food Industry
出版社:Association HACCP Consulting
摘要:A comparative analysis of the seeds ash composition of the breed Rif (Brassica napus L.) rapeseeds grown in the Lipetskaya region was held. The plants were grown in the conditions of the agroecological experiment using mineral (NPK and zeolite) and organic (hen droppings) fertilizers. 6 variants of the experiment were studied – the plants are grown without fertilizers application (the control); the mineral fertilizer (N60:P60:K60) separately and together with zeolite (5 t.ha-1); the zeolite in pure form (5 t.ha-1); hen droppings (5 t.ha-1) separately and together with zeolite (5 t.ha-1). We studied the accumulation of 9 basic elements (in mass %) contained in Brassica napus. seeds ash using the method of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The accumulation order of the elements was determined: P ≈ K > Mg ≥ Ca > Mo > S > Zn > Mn > Fe. The proportion of P fluctuated from 10.852 to 11.855 mass %; the proportion of K – from 9.933 till 12.343 mass %. The rapeseeds contained Mg, Ca, and Mo in similar concentrations within the range of 4.0 -5.8 mass %. The combined application of zeolite with organic fertilizer ensured the accumulation of the minerals in the seeds. Correlations between the elements were established. High correlation between elements K and Mo was found (r = 0.96); P and Mg (0.86); P and Fe (r = 0.94); C and Mo (r = 0.86). The positive effect of the combined organic-mineral fertilizers with poultry farms wastes usage on the mineral elements accumulation in rapeseeds was stated. It is noted that the accumulation of P, Ca, Mo, and S in rape seeds leads to a decrease in Zn.
关键词:Brassica napus; seeds; analytical scanning electron microscopy; Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDS); ash elements