期刊名称:Potravinarstvo : Scientific Journal for Food Industry
出版社:Association HACCP Consulting
摘要:An isolated Lactobacillus from several various sources were identified depending on morphological, microscopically and biochemical tests in vitro analysis of probiotic properties that included: an ability to tolerate in different concentration of bile salt, survival in acidic conditions, their antimicrobial activity, and S-layer characterizations were carried out. It was noticed that isolates of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and L. delbrueckii have a broad activity of antimicrobial and found the isolate L. rhamnosus represented with a survival percentage 6.9% at pH 4.5 and 5.1% at pH 2.0) also L. rhamnosus (5.7% at pH 4.5 and 4.9% at pH 2.0) tolerated acidic media, Lactobacillus spp. has antimicrobial activity against all gram-positive and negative tested isolates. 70 kDa of S-layer protein bands were detected with whole-cell SDS-PAGE analysis, and it's predominant in cells of isolates which grown in MRS broth anaerobically. It was noticed that the collected Lactobacillus isolates could be used as probiotic.
关键词:Lactobacillus spp.; acidic tolerance; bile tolerance; S-Layer.