摘要:Treatment options for metastatic osteosarcoma are limited. The present study aimed to evaluate whether radiofrequency ablation (RFA) combined with intratumoural OK-432 injection induces systemic anti-tumour immunity in rat osteosarcoma model. Eighty of 145 rats were assigned to four groups to evaluate overall survival and tumour size: control (no treatment), RFA-only, OK-432, and RFA-OK-432. The remaining 65 were assigned for histological examination. Maximum diameters of tibial and lung tumours were determined. Tumour samples were histologically examined using haematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical staining. Overall survival was significantly prolonged in the RFA-OK-432 group compared to the RFA-only and OK-432 groups. Only rats in the RFA-OK-432 group exhibited significant decreases in maximum tumour diameter after treatment. Ki-67-positive tumour cells in the RFA-OK-432 group were significantly stained negative on immunohistochemical analysis as opposed to those in the RFA-only and OK-432 groups. The number of CD11c , OX-62 , CD4 , and CD8 cells significantly increased in the RFA-OK-432 group compared to the RFA-only group. RFA with intratumoural OK-432 injection resulted in distant tumour suppression, prolonged survival, and increased dendritic cells, cytotoxic T cells, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, whereas RFA or OK-432 alone did not produce this effect. This combination may induce an abscopal effect in human osteosarcoma.