摘要:We theoretically investigate the optical and magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr rotations of a probe field that propagates through a nonmagnetic dielectric slab doped with double-V type atoms. Both rotations and corresponding ellipticities, as well as the intensities of transmitted and reflected beams, are modified by quantum coherence induced in the atomic system. We show that applying a control laser field makes the system optically active and simultaneously, transparent to one component of the probe field. We demonstrate that the response of the slab can be modified both electrically and magnetically. Applying the second control laser field with different Rabi frequencies improves the optical properties of the slab due to the induced coherent effects. We present analytical expressions for facilitating the detailed study of the system behaviors. Magneto-optical Faraday rotation 45° with transmission close to $$100 % $$ and large Kerr rotation with high reflection are significant results from the influence of both the control and magnetic fields on such a small structure. By prevailing over the tradeoff between reflection and rotation, the proposed model could be considered as a special candidate for rotating the polarization plane of the transmitted and reflected beams, simultaneously.