摘要:Prey reconfigure their physiology to avoid costs of prolonged predator pressure. However, these changes might not occur under periodic predation risk, with repeating acute phases. To test the effect of predation risk continuity on changes in prey physiology, we exposed amphipods: Dikerogammarus villosus and Gammarus jazdzewskii to periodic and constant predation cue. After one week, we measured: cellular defence systems: total antioxidant status (TAS), heat shock proteins (Hsp70); intracellular damage marker: lipid peroxidation (TBARS); condition index: glycogen concentration. Predator presence reduced TAS level in G. jazdzewskii independent of its continuity and in D. villosus after periodic exposure. Amphipods showed downregulation of Hsp70 when exposed to periodic (D. villosus) or constant (G. jazdzewskii) predation risk. Exposure to predators reduced TBARS level in D. villosus (irrespective of the continuity) and G. jazdzewskii (periodic exposure). Glycogen concentration in both species was not affected by predator presence. Thus, the continuity of the predator cue shaped prey physiology reconfiguration, optimizing costs of physiological adjustments under challenging conditions. Nevertheless, the lack of negative consequences of the prolonged exposure to the predator cue, whether constant or periodic, shows that amphipods can thrive under chronic predation risk, which is a constant part of the wild environment.