摘要:In this article the author examines social memory of war-time medical work and the memory of Homeland war from the perspective of work and workplace, through the concepts of culture of memory and politics of memory. A biographical interview conducted with the researcher's mother and a collection of testimonies of war-time medical workers are the body of the analysis. The author appliea a qualitative methodology characteristic of ethnographic research using the method of comparative narrative reading. The aim of the article is to provide a more detailed insight into the interrelation of culture of memory and politics of memory within the social memory of war-time medical work. The analysis of the contemporary construction of the shared past of war-time medical workers shows the effects this process has on constructing individual and social identities. It shows how individuals are differentiated within the group depending on their memories of war-time medical work. The purpose of this article is to offer a new perspective in the research of social memory of Homeland war – a perspective that considers the war-time everyday life of the medical worker who is constructed both literally and metaphorically in between the civilian and the soldier.
关键词:Homeland war; social memory; culture of remebering; politics of memory; war-time medical work