期刊名称:International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
出版社:Kassel University Press
摘要:COVID-19 outbreak has stimulated all kind of e-learning proposals to con-tinue with students’ educational progression. Despite the fact it is significant to understand students’ perceptions regarding their performance with collab-orative tools, specifically interactive smartboards, no research was found during the exhaustive literature review conducted. A research model has been pre-tested using a sample of students of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism of the Complutense University of Madrid. The results of this ex-ploratory research expose that (1) playfulness has a significant and positive impact om intention to use; (2) interestingness of content has a meaningful effect on perceived playfulness; and (3) perceived ease of use has consider-able and positive influence on playfulness. Besides, perceived ease of use and usefulness were not found to have a direct impact on intention to use. The results are revised to propose useful academic and educational contribu-tions.
关键词:interactive smartboards;e-learning;playfulness;intention to use