摘要:In 1989 during tobacco harvesting an inhabitant of the village of Parcani (Soroca District) Vera Moruz discovered a hoard of European coins of the 16th century. The total number of pieces that composed the treasure remained unknown, but 121 coins from it were recovered and passed to the Museum of History and Ethnography in Soroca. Currently, the hoard numbers 116 silver coins, and five coins were lost under unclear circumstances. It includes 15 thalers and two ¼ thalers issued in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Provinces and 99 coins issued in Poland. The earliest coin is a thaler issued by Ferdinand I (1526-1564) and the most recent are two 3 groschen coins of Sigismund III (1586-1632) minted in 1599. List of illustrations: Fig. 1. Coins from the Parcani hoard. Fig. 2. Coins from the Parcani hoard. Fig. 3. Coins from the Parcani hoard.