摘要:In the years 2002 and 2004 were conducted rescue archaeological excavations in the courtyard of the Assumption Church from Căușeni, where was investigated the cemetery of the local Christian community. 32 graves were discovered dated with the late medieval and pre-modern periods. In 14 funerary complexes were discovered coins. Their number in the graves varied from one piece to three. Most of the pieces were represented by silver coins, in other two cases (M 6/2004 and M12/2004) were found copper and bronze coins as well. The artifacts were found usually on the bones or in the region of the bones of the thorax. In two cases (M10/2004 and M18/2004) they were discovered around the arms (in the hand - ?) and in one case near the basin bones. Their demonetization (the presence of the hole) proves that in certain circumstances these objects turned up in the funerary complexes as pendants and were not part of the funerary rite. The coins contributed to the dating of the funerary complexes. The earliest graves date from the 16th century (M 2/2002, M 7/2002, M 16/2004, M 18/2004 and the grave from the tomb), while the latest – from the 19th century (M 7/2004).