期刊名称:International Journal of Ad hoc, sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Internet of Things(IoT) in recent days playing a vital role in networking related applications. However, there are several protocols available for building IoT applications, but RPL and CoAP are important protocols.There is a customized protocol requirement for specific IoT applications, while working on specific research problems. Further, adequate platforms are required to evaluate the performance of these protocols. These platforms need to be configured for the protocol, which is very crucial and timeconsuming task. At present, there is no collective and precise information available to carry out this work. This paper discusses two different open source platforms available for IoT. Also,various IoT research ideas need to design of IoT protocols. A few IoT communication technologies are mentioned in the paper. The detail analysis of, two common protocols, namely Routing Protocol for Low-Power Lossy Networks (RPL) and Constrained Application layer protocol (CoAP) is carried out with respect to latency delay and packet delivery ratio. The results, discussion and conclusion presented in this paper are useful for researchers, who are interested to work with IoT protocols and standards.