标题:Todos los instrumentos están en buen estado’. Disputas en torno al funcionamiento de los telescopios del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de Chile en el siglo XIX
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This paper analyses a public controversy about the state of the main instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile at the end of the 19th century, the repair and the maintenance work of these tools and the scientific production of this institution. The controversy involved a wide range of actors, including members of the National Congress, ministers of State, astronomers, mechanics and architects. This case examines the close link between the political and the techno-scientific spheres, evidenced in the administration, financing, evaluation and oversight of the work of the observatory. We can observe how the questioning of scientific quality, such as the state of the instruments of the institution, faced not only the judgments, but also the authority of those who issued. Also, this controversy allows us to observe how the need to create associated technologies and adapt astronomical instruments gave prominence to mechanics, engineers and architects, actors often invisible in comparison to astronomers.