出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:The European dimension is becoming an increasingly important research asset for environmental studies in rural areas, including natural and cultural landscapes. The outstanding richness and diversity of Europe’s landscapes are widely recognised attributes of the continent’s unique natural and cultural heritage. The paper presents the results of two existing Pan-European landscape classifications. The typology and map compiled by Meeus (1995) is the first one, inspiring attempt to exhibit Europe’s diversity in landscapes. It defines 30 types of the present rural landscapes in Europe. The new Pan-European landscape classification developed in Alterra, the Netherlands (Mücher et al., 2003) is based on combining of different layers of the most recent geographical data using GIS. Topography, soil and geological substrate, and land use/land cover were chosen as three key parameters considered as the most important and readily available. The final typology resulted in a digital map consisting of 202 types of the present cultural landscapes in Europe. European landscape classification should serve as a common reference framework for future landscape mapping activities, for landscape character assessment, strategic landscape planning, monitoring and modelling of landscape changes.