出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:The environment in the mining territory of abandoned Cu-deposits, at first in the surrounding of dump-fields and tailings in Ľubietová and Špania Dolina villages are contaminated by Sb released from ore minerals. The degree of antimony toxicity is controlled by its speciation, which depend first of all on pH/Eh values. It is the reason why pH/Eh stabilite diagrams enable probable determination of Sb forms present in country components. In sediments and in soil at Ľubietová village prevail antimony in less toxic degree Sb5 and is present in SbO3- form, while in dump-field and in tailing at Špania Dolina village one part of samples characterised by Eh<0,1 values is concentrated in Sb3 stabilite fields of valentinite (Sb2O3) and antimonite (Sb2S3). Sb content in groundwater from both studied localities exceed the Regulation of the Slovak Republic No. 296/2005 Coll. but these water is used for human consumation only very rarely. The samples from Špania Dolina are in comparison with those from Ľubietová shifted to negative Eh values and indicate more reducing conditions.
关键词:copper deposits; dump-fields; toxicity; Cu; As and Sb