期刊名称:Potravinarstvo : Scientific Journal for Food Industry
出版社:Association HACCP Consulting
摘要:The article presents the results of research examining varietal diversity with respect the activity of oxidative enzymes ( EC ) and the dry matter and Proline accumulation of leaves under optimal and stressful conditions. For feijoa, the most stressful period in the subtropics of Russia, with respect to hydrothermal conditions, occurs between July and September. Studies have shown that the highest degree of enzymatic activity is observed in August in the ‘Superba’ variety of feijoa, which was used as a control in this study, and the lowest level of activity was observed in the 'Sentjabrskaja' variety. The long-term water deficit experienced in September coincides with fruiting in feijoa. This causes a change in catalase activity in leaves, which is maintained until it is inhibited. Form ShV-1 of feijoa is characterised by its metabolic stability. In fact, the activity of oxidative enzymes in leaves of the variety is stable. Dry matter content per unit area increases as the leaf grows. During the drought period, which coincides with active fruiting, the leaves of the ‘Dachnaja' variety and the ShV-1 form accumulate significantly less dry matter than other varieties. In the ‘Dagomysskaja' variety, the intensity of organic matter consumption via respiration and outflow exceeds visible photosynthesis, which is expressed as a negative value (average = 1.96 g.dm -2 h). To fully characterise the physiological state of feijoa plants under the influence of abiotic factors and catalase activity in the humid subtropics of Russia, indicators of dry matter accumulation and true photosynthesis intensity can be used.