出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Cloud computing gives a relevant and adaptable support for Big Data by the ease of use, access to resources, low cost use of resources, and the use of strong equipment to process big data. Cloud and big data center on developing the value of a business while reducing capital costs. Big data and cloud computing, both favor companies and by cause of their benefit, the use of big data growths extremely in the cloud. With this serious increase, there are several emerging risk security concerns. Big data has more vulnerabilities with the comparison to classical database, as this database are stored in servers owned by the cloud provider. The various usage of data make safety-related big data in the cloud intolerable with the traditional security measures. The security of big data in the cloud needs to be looked at and discussed. In this current paper, my colleagues and me will present and discuss the risk assessment of big-data applications in cloud computing environments and present some ideas for assessing these risks.
关键词:Cloud computing ;risk assessment ;big data ;security.