摘要:In this paper, a numerical investigation is presented on heat transfer augmenting by using various kinds of modified multiple twisted tape inserted in solar parabolic trough collectors. The pressurized water is considered as working fluid and Reynolds number varying from 10000 to 20000. The received heat flux on the solar absorber was assumed non-uniform due to hemispheric insolation of sun. The obtained numerical results for the Nusselt number, friction factor and thermal performance are presented for each cases. Various types of twisted tape including single twisted tape, normal, perforated, center-cleared, square, and V-cut dual twisted tape are considered and analyzed. The numerical simulations are performed by a commercial CFD code, ANSYS FLUENT 18.2. The obtained results revealed that at Re=10000 and 20000, the average Nusselt numbers of case with dual v-cut twisted tapes are more than plaine tube by 19.58 and 17.44%, respectively. Moreover, thermal performance of all cases with various twisted tapes is larger than 1 which means that utilizing twisted tape with various configurations leads to more thermal performance than plain tube. The thermal performances of case with dual square-cut twisted tapes (as the best case) for Re=10000 and 20000 are more than plain tube by about 16 and 12% improvement, respectively. Furthermore, for the case with perforated dual twisted tape (as the case with lowest thermal performance), the thermal performances for Re=10000 and 20000 are more than plain tube by about 9.2 and 7% improvement, respectively.
关键词:Heat Transfer Enhancement; Parabolic Trough Collector; Twisted Tape; Numerical Simulation; Solar Collector