摘要:Purpose: This study intended to evaluate Human Resources Development in Education program, a non-thesis graduate program offered within the Education Faculty of a public university located in Ankara, based on the perceptions of the stakeholders. Design/Methodology/Approach: In this qualitative evaluation study, the data were collected through a questionnaire, developed by the researchers, and semi-structured individual interviews. The questionnaire was administered to current students (n = 15) and available graduate students (n = 60). Later, a purposeful sampling method was used to select the participants for the interviews. In this regard, volunteer students (n = 5) and graduates (n = 20) of the program were involved in semi-structured individual interviews. The questionnaire was descriptively analyzed and presented in the form of frequencies and percentages. The qualitative data, on the other hand, were content analyzed. In doing so, codes were assigned to meaningful segments, and categories were generated through bringing the codes together which are listed as (1) the factors that affect participants’ preferences to the program; (2) the degree to which participants’ expectations from the program were met; (3) strengths of the program; (4) the difficulties encountered during the program; and (5) the aspects of the program that need improvement. Findings: The findings reveal that professional development (n = 56) and the reputation of the university (n =56) are ranked among the chief factors affecting the participants’ enrollment in the program. In addition, the participants emphasized that the program was successful in meeting their expectations regarding personal interest (n = 54) and professional development (n = 49). Besides, despite the deficiencies such as internship and evening classes, it was unveiled that the program was found to be successful in equipping the students with the knowledge and skills specified in the field of human resources. Highlights: The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the revising of the program. Besides, the results are expected to guide the development of similar programs and evaluation of the current programs within higher education institutions. Lastly, future studies might be conducted to reach enhanced findings through interviewing with also employers and conducting observations at workplaces of the students and graduates.
关键词:1;Higher education 2;Human resources development 3;Human resources development in education 4;Qualitative research 5;Program evaluation