摘要:Globalization is identified with the development of treaties into national domain law. Initially, such treaties did not appear as legal regulations but as standard/harmonized-setting for member states. Since the establishment of Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation, 1944, treaties on aviation keep developing well both on the aviation operational technique and economic aspect. Those treaties nowadays have turned into the source of international aviation law. Treaty has been one of the bases of domestic law for almost nations in the world. As a result, the global requirements need to be adjusted into national law of states. States are bound both legally and politically to verdicts of International organizations. The process of regulation and decision making in International organizations should be based on democratic procedures of member states either in the construction of final draft or in negotiation and arrangement of regulation or resolution drafts. Specifically, this article discusses recent development of international treaties relating to aviation from both operational and economic aspects. Following Assembly 39th Session, ICAO, member states of ICAO, including Indonesia, made several multilateral agreements. The ratification of International treaties should consider the effects on legal, political, and security aspects. For Indonesia, one of the aspects that should never be neglected is strategic airspace, both geographically and geopolitically.