摘要:People in Demangan Village, Siman, Ponorogo, who mostly work as rice farmers and horticulture, often use inorganic pesticides in farming. The unsafe pesticide management can effact to the blood contamination. Therefore, it is necessary to have a learning approach and community empowerment that aims to form a safety farming village as an effort to improve community health status. The method used blood tests, FGD, socialization, and evaluation. The results obtained were that the examining pesticides in the farmers’ blood increase the enthusiasm of Gapoktan members towards the dangers of pesticides, the FGD learning approach, and socialization of the dangers of pesticides was able to increase knowledge by 17% while FGD and socialization about pesticide safety management were able to increase knowledge by 5%, Gapoktan and Pos UKK were active in all activities. The formation of a safety farming village needs to get support and supervision from health workers and the Agriculture Office. The key to preventing farmer’s pesticide contamination is pesticide safety management including the use of PPE and personal hygiene efforts.
关键词:safety farming; pestisida; sosialisasi; pembelajaran; pemberdayaan masyarakat