期刊名称:Revista Innovar Journal Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales
出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá
摘要:Information technologies (IT) capacity is recognized as a set of IT resources and its synergy that could empower organizations in the development of their organizational capabilities and the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages. Multiple definitions of this construct have been proposed; however, the particular conditions of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) make it necessary to propose and validate a model that allows assessing it capacity in these types of contexts. This study validates an it capacity model based on an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 517 MSMEs. The resulting model describes it capacity in four main categories: organizational cohesion capacity of the it area (category I), strategic IT capacity (category II), IT infrastructure (category III), and external relationship capacity (category IV), with categories I and II having the most significant influence on it capacity. Category I is represented by the organizational knowledge of it staff and their ability to interact within the organization. Category II is described by the strategic knowledge of IT and its strategic planning capacity. This model is a basis for measuring the IT capacity of msmes, as well as for the generation of public policies.