标题:Extensión del convenio arbitral a terceros y orden público internacional: comentario al Auto del TSJ del País Vasco (sala de lo Civil y Penal) No. 277/2018, de 7 de noviembre de 2018
出版社:Área de Derecho Internacional Privado - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
摘要:In this ruling, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country analyzes the conditions that must be met so that the extension of the effects of an arbitration agreement to a non-signatory third party is respectful of the public order of the forum. It also analyzes some previous procedural aspects, such as the viability of an application for the non-recognition of the foreign award, or of the request of recognition of a partial award.
关键词:convenio arbitral;consentimiento;orden público;derecho fundamental a la tutela judicial efectiva;exequátur;solicitud de no reconocimiento
其他关键词:arbitration agreement;consent;public policy;fundamental right to the effective judicial protection;exequatur;application for non-recognition