其他摘要:Education in Ecuador has been changing in the last decade. For this reason, it is necessary to modify the national curriculum to accomplish the current educational needs. A bibliographic research was developed, in which was determined four pillar related to this relevant educational issue. Those elements were analyzed in a sequential and logical way: the social forces that impact curriculum, the educational forces that impact curriculum, the pedagogical proposal based on the communicative approach, and the evaluation instruments for curriculum design. Besides those aspects, the Common European Framework of reference and the current curriculum guidelines from the Ecuador’s Ministry of Education helped to study how effective could be the new curriculum. All this bibliographical research was analyzed to establish as conclusions that models that present a real alternative to the traditional model of education are a necessity. To give a philosophical, pedagogical and instructional leap is a must. Accepting the necessity of transforming education in Ecuador cannot be postponed. To move from the behaviorist model to the social constructivism requires the implementation of an integral process of curriculum design.
关键词:Currículo;Diseño curricular;Bases pedagógicas;Inglés como lengua extranjera;Evaluación curricular