出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:Toxicity assessment of ocean dumping wastes (dye waste,urban sewage,food waste) were examined in the fertilization and embryo development rates of the Sea Urchin,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Spawning was induced by injecting 1 mL of 0.5 M KCl into coelomic cavity. Males teleased white or cream colored sperms and females released yellow or orange-colored egs. Experiments were began within 30 min the collection of both gametes. The frilization and embryo development rates test were performed for 10 min and 64 h after fertilization,respectively. The frilization and embryo development rates in the control condition (not including ocean dumping wastes sludge elutriate) were greater than 90%,but suddenly decreased with increasing of ocean dumping waste sludge elutriate concentrations. The fertilization and normal embryogenesis rates were significandly inhibited in all waste sludge eluriate from dye waste (ECso=4.37;ECso= 1.76),urban sewage (ECso=5.79;ECso= =2.00) and food waste (ECso=7.68;ECso=2.16),respectively. The NOEC(<3.13) and LOEC(3.13) of frtiliztion and normal embryogenesis rates very similar in all waste sludge elutriate. These results suggest that biological assay using the friliation and embryo development rates o[ H. pulcher- rimus are very useful test method for the ecological loxicity asessment of ocean dumping wastes.