出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:This studly considers the characteristics of nitrogen dioxide (NO2),ozone (O) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in three cities of Daegu-Gycongbuk Area (Dacgu,Pohang. and Gumi). which have dilerent city or indusrial characteristics,over a time period of 2 years. The diurnal,weekly,monthly and seasonal concentration variations of critcria air pollutants were attributed to compounds or city lypes. However,the seasonal varatioms of O;concentrations were dpendent on compounds,but not on eity types. Lower Os concentrations were olbserved in July when comparing with other sumner months. For SOz and NOz,the concentrations were higher in Daegu when compured lo Pohang and Gumi,while the cocentrations of Os were higher in Pohang and Gumi. SO: exhibited higher levels in the moming hours,while O3 and NO2 exhibited higher levels in the alfternoon hours for all cities. For O,the concentrations observed during Sunday were higher than those of other week or weckend days. Futherrmore,the monthly and seasonal concentration variations of air pollutants depended on compounds or cilty lypes. It is noteworthy that the curent monthly and seasonal variations were consisent with several previous studics.
关键词:citeria pllutants;diumnal variation;weekly. monthly;seasonal;city type