出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:Mancozeb,d polymene complex of zime and manganee salls of ethylene busthuocarbamate (EBDC),' used wdely In agrncultue a8 fungicides,Insectnendes,and herbicides Mancozeb can be occupationally and enironmentally exposed to human and has been teported to Induce cstrogenc activnty,theremn It 18 consndeted as an endocume dsropter Afher female ICR mce were treated Mancozeb oually at the doves of 250,1,000 and 1,500 mg/k/day for consecuve 30 day,we invesngated the efcts of Mancozeb on the 1mmunopatbological parameters (body-,thymus-,spleen-,liver- and kidny- weight,splenc ellularity,hematologcal puuameteus) and mltogen (Con A,LPS)- Induced splenocyte polferation (SP) LIver- and krdney - weght wete Incieased,but body- and thymus- weight,number of splenocyles and WBC were decucased,when compared wnth control group When splenoeytes Isolated from the muce exposed to Mancozeb for 30 days were culured Imn presence of mutogens,the SP agaumst Com A Was signficantly and dose -dependently decueased and the SP aganst LPS was also shghtly decreascd Our present results undicatc that bubacute cxposue of Mancozeb to mice mught show mmumotoxic ctfect.