出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:Dlabete complcation 1s one of mayor risk factors leadng to vascular dosease such as atherosleross stroke, coronary heart dvease and etc Severdl factors afecting the aceleraton of duabetuc vascular complcaton have been known such d hypertension hyperlpldem1a. 1mmune complex and genenc factors To screen and develop new therapeutics agents tor dhuabetic vascular cormplcaton. It Is strongly needed to develop dm1mal models for dabetc complcations However In rodents models. dnabetic cormphneations 19 not well developed Furthermore to assess the possibrlty of new therapeutcs for duabetuc bascular compleatons,duabetc anumal models whtch have the rnsk factrs of dhabethc complhcations 14 needed We am to develop and establsh dan dhabete anmal model which have diuabetc complneations with hyperlpudema which 1> one of rnsk tactors for duabetc complcations We Induced Insulin- dependent duabetes by intra venous injecton of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg/day) In RICO rat> which Is a spontaneous anlmal model tor hyperlpdemua Our models (STZ RICO) showed hy perglycemia,persistent hngh level of plasma cholesterol and tnglycendemua with severe duabeue renal changcs untl 28 weeks after Induction ot dlabetes STZ- RICO rats could be used for the evaluatuons ot newly developed duabetc drugs.