摘要:The opportunity for this analysis was provided by the experience of an ERASMUS intensive programme,which gathered students and teachers from diverse subject areas: social work,educational sciences,and social policies. The programme was aimed at discussing social policy and legal and social Services in the European countries involved: Belgium,the Netherlands,Lithuania and Portugal. Therefore,this paper builds on the processes of learning,having been developed with an international group of twenty higher education students,aims to bring into evidence the role of learning—teaching methodologies,not only to implement meaningful conceptual learning but also to provide students and teachers with significant learning experiences,where values of multiculturalism,solidarity and recognition are at stake.
其他摘要:Parengti šį straipsnį paskatino patirtis,įgyta dalyvaujant Erasmus intensyvioje programoje. Ten susirinko studentai ir dėstytojai,atstovaujantys įvairioms mokslo sritims: socialiniam darbui,edukologijai ir socialinei politikai. Programos tikslas buvo išan