摘要:The latest crisis in the Lithuanian social insurance system began in the fourth quarter of 2008. The system that had been fully and successfully functioning since 2002 again entered a recession phase. The decline promoted a public debate on the measures necessary for preventing similar events in the future. The authors of the present article analyse and discuss the major external threats,shocks and disturbances that caused the failures of the social insurance system in 2008 and 2009. The article concludes with a suggestion for ensuring long-term financial sustainability of the old-age pension system and for solving the population decline problem. The paper proposes a mixed pension-funding principle,the novelty of which lies in the direct contribution of children to their parents’ pensions.
其他摘要:Paskutinioji Lietuvos socialinio draudimo sistemos krizė prasidėjo 2008 m. IV ketvirty,kai nuo 2002 m. sėkmingai funkcionavusi sistema vėl perėjo į nuosmukio fazę. Šis nuosmukis paskatino diskusijas,kokių priemonių reikia imtis,kad panašūs atvejai nepasik
关键词:old-age pension insurance;population ageing;labour force migration;economic value of children.
其他关键词:senatvės pensijos draudimas;visuomenės senėjimas;migracija;vaikų ekonominė vertė.